

主要联系人: 约翰·C. 零注册会计师帕特里克·F. kern会计师


作为最大的区域会计和咨询公司之一,为公共和私人K-12提供bet9平台游戏, 大专院校, 我们的综合bet9平台游戏确保我们的专业人员能够提供及时和实用的解决方案,帮助机构满足其运营和合规需求.

我们的专业人士知道,财务和运营挑战是高等教育机构最关心的问题之一. They face demands from all levels, while possibly dealing with reduced funding, 来自社区和董事会的压力,以及对各方负责的挑战. By staying abreast of the latest trends, developments and challenges within the education sector, we offer timely and practical solutions to our clients.

我们与该领域各种独特的教育机构合作, including public 大专院校, liberal arts schools and faith-based entities, and we always take the time to understand the history, 任务, people and stakeholders of each institution we serve.



bet9平台游戏包括OMB统一指导审计(学生经济援助), 研究与开发, USDA loans and other major programs), 403(b) and 401(a) plan audits and compliance assistance, NCAA商定的程序, 遵从性审计(RACP), 直流), 审查与捐赠和投资组合有关的财务报告和税务合规事宜, 项目盈利能力研究和债券发行bet9平台游戏(应税和免税). 了解更多


  • 税收遵从 – bet9平台游戏 include Form 990 and 990-T preparation and review, State and local 税 exemption and compliance, charitable solicitation registration, 联邦税务审计, FBAR归档分析, 与留学项目和薪酬福利设计审查相关的国际税收问题.
  • 税务管治与政策 – bet9平台游戏 include conflict-of-interest policy and management, fringe benefits and compensation matters, board education and intermediate sanctions.
  • Auxiliary and Investment Activities – bet9平台游戏 include unrelated business income activities, alternative investment compliance, 合资企业, transaction analysis and for-profit subsidiaries. 


bet9平台游戏包括针对高等教育解决方案的软件实现和支持(使用Banner的经验), Datatel, Jenzabar, 甲骨文, J.D. 爱德华兹, 劳森, Ellucian, 大平原及其他地区), disaster recovery and business continuity planning, cybersecurity assessments (penetration testing, 漏洞扫描, 社会工程, 基础设施评估和防火墙漏洞评估)等等. 了解更多

Additional 高等教育bet9平台游戏

About Schneider Downs Industry Groups

Schneider Downs recognizes that every industry is different, 经常提出独特的挑战,需要个性化的洞察力, 创新与经验. 通过参与焦点小组,我们在这些行业的经验得以增强, 哪些解决了使这些行业独特的特点. 

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Learn how we’ve Solved Big Problems For our clients

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大的思考: Restore System On-site And Avoid Six-figure Ransom.


大问题: Inefficient Tax Credit Realization.

大的思考: 确定了90万美元的税收抵免,几乎是前几年的两倍.



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每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, 请致电1-800-993-8937联系施耐德唐斯数字取证和事件响应小组. For all other requests, please complete the form below.

